If you’re visiting this website, it’s safe to say you’re sick of “black bullshit.” As a retired, white male police officer with 30 years of hardcore street experience, I finally have a place and the ability to say what every single white person on Earth wants to say, but can’t. How did white people, the creators of modern civilization and virtually everything that is GOOD about the human experience, seemingly overnight become the arch-villian of humanity? How the hell did we get here? In 2020, a drug-addled career criminal overdosed in police custody in Minneapolis. The resulting media lie and the shameless parroting of this manufactured falsehood by countless politicians and brainless “celebrities” literally stoked the already simmering flames of anti-white animosity in America. As Minneapolis and dozens of other American cities burned to the ground, law enforcement officers across the globe, particularly white officers, became the pariah of civilization. This vilification of our brave men and women in law enforcement became the wrecking ball that is systematically and undeniably destroying this country before our very eyes. White ethnomasochism and blatant anti-white hate became normalized and accepted, becoming major tools to gain social piety. Hating white people is always right and can never get you in trouble at work, during school, or in society in general. In order to survive, weak whites simply remain silent and curl into the fetal position to protect their livlihoods and social reputation. Self-hate has literally become a viable means of survival! This seemingly unstoppable trend facilitates the overtly intentional erasure of whites from all things good in the United States and across the globe. By forcing whites into terrified and cowardly silence, the media and anti-white racists (sadly comprised mostly of weak-minded whites) are free to perpetuate the greatest lie of our generation: That whites are responsible for and/or are complicit in every single abysmal failure after failure of the black “community.” Without fear of rebuttal, blacks are free to openly besmirch white culture, openly call for the destruction of white people as well as carry out brutal acts of anti-white violence on a daily basis. On the “Denial, Deceit, and Delusion” podcast, we pull back the veil of the lie and expose black “culture” for what it is: A lecherous mob of thieving, murderous, low-IQ brutes who have their every failure, every crime, every social shortcoming blamed on the false specter of ubiquitous “white racism.” This podcast will show you the REAL truth of “the biggest threat to America.” To anyone with a functioning brain and a capability for critical thought, the truth is undeniably demonstrated by blacks across the world on an HOURLY basis. Their complete inability to create, maintain or even assimilate into a civilized, functioning society is on full display for all to see, if one has the courage to possibly admit that whites are NOT the problem. Listening to this podcast gives a voice to the millions of white people who are bullied into submission by the lie and lays bare the laughable claims of black social aptitude. It is time to expose and defy the lucrative hoax of black victimhood and to finally admit that being white is something to be proud of. If we don’t stand up for ourselves, nobody will.