The season is here! Buy the Christmas album to contribute to Jack’s Christmas fund. He done nede sum Gode Chanes and a pet tigir fo his keeeds n’sheeaaat.
Music from Jack the Barbershop Guy
Jack the Barbershop Guy was a named coined by the late, great Colin Flaherty on his legendary podcast show. Jack has written/arranged music for the podcast show that has warmed hearts and saved lives. Several options appear below. Select the one that most pleases you. Remember, blast this music everywhere…especially if you know any liberals and get a kick out of them soiling themselves. Note: these are digital downloads (not hard copy cds). And for legal reasons, I am not allowed to sell the parody songs because of copyright nonsense…but as far as I know I can give it away for free. If you feel so inclined to donate to our cause, I can assure you that “our cause will be down with you.” Please download and donate whatever you wish in the tip jar. Click one of the options below to download the music at no charge (the parody music is for entertainment purposes only).
Thank you.
Merry Fella XMAS collection (download album)
Sheet music to download below
N Word but with an "A" sheet music
Just some fun videos to enjoy…below