In 1928 an IQ classification between 50 and 75 was graded as “moron” or “Definite Feeble-Mindedness.” Softer language is used today and the IQ test is conveniently discredited as culturally bias and inconclusive. Retard, moron, imbecile and idiot were used as the IQ grading system by psychiatrists. Using these “outdated” terms today will have you labeled as cruel, insensitive and racist. The average IQ of sub-Sahara Africa is 66! 1 The new language for an IQ of 69 and below is, “Extremely Low.” These extremely low functioning and fertile African refugees will be a permanent burden to the US. They are incapable of assimilation, self-reliance and excellence.
Truth is suppressed. The taboo words had precise meanings. They are lost to the erosion of standards and clarity. We live in a substitute for reality and diluted discourse. The government rejects truth about our differences as evidenced by a suicidal immigration policy that limits legal immigrants from the highest IQ pools on earth, while leaving the southern border open to an invasion of the “Extremely Low.” What is the most we can hope for from the African refugee?
Consider these words from John Jay in Federalist Paper 2:
“With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.
This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.”
John Jay is saying this country was made by & for white (civilized) people. Our nation will die without a white super majority. Genetic and environment capital shape culture. Race and culture are inextricably linked. Personality traits are affected by genetics and culture (nature and nurture). Aptitude, IQ, temperament and impulse control are foundations to build, sustain and advance civilization as is proven in the evolution from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age to the Steel Age to the
Industrial Age to the Computer Age, to the Space Age and now the AI Age.
The Latin root of “nation” is natura which means nature. Our different natures evolved into different nations. Competing and warring Western nations collectively gave us Western Civilization. There are obvious markers that define civilization: language, art, music, science, engineering, infrastructure, literature, philosophy… None compare to Western Civilization.
What is the opposite of civilization? A stagnant, primitive state of mere existence. The contrasts are stark, obvious and undeniable between the civilized and uncivilized. Consider the discovery and colonization of the New World. The term New World comes from the perspective of the civilized on the uncivilized. It wasn’t “racist” language for Thomas Jefferson to refer to Indians as merciless savages in The Declaration of Independence. We must understand the context of observation and comment.
Western man conquered and then carried the “uncivilized” from the Stone Age to the Space Age. Great civilizations were not conquered in the Americas. There was no upward trajectory and momentum interrupted by the conquistadors. Human sacrifice and cannibalism by some of these primitive people at the time of their discovery makes me think the pyramids of North, Central and South America were not the products of the Aztec, Mayan and Inca. They were likely abandoned by an earlier and advanced people.
When the explorers arrived in ships and walked on the beach with plumed helmets, boots, swords, glistening breast plates, and all kinds of technology it looked like visitors from outer space to these primitive people. Montezuma thought Cortez was the god, Quetzalcoatl. These primitive people did not have horses. Spaniards brought them to the New World. Prior to that, they walked everywhere and like the African, never invented the wheel.
South Africa is the only country on the continent that had a space program. Obama would be correct if he said to the African, “You didn’t build that!” The Dutch (“Afrikaners” AKA Boers) built the space program, the infrastructure and brought their mastery of farming. Any objective person (even a moron) can see South Africa continues to devolve since the end of apartheid. The Afrikaners who brought civilization to South Africa are the victims of genocide and should be the refugees the US accepts, not the “Extremely Low” negro. Blacks have never built civilization and no, the ancient Egyptians were NOT black. Genome sequences prove they were closely related to modern Europeans and inhabitants of the Near East, not present-day Egyptians. Looking more broadly at the Africa continent today one can see uncivilized tribes like the Zulu where time stands still.
It is disingenuous to say “mankind” gave us the advancements we all benefit from. The advances of the modern world did not universally coalesce out of the ether. Crediting “mankind” implies that every tribe had “skin in the game” and that any tribe would have inevitably brought us to our current station if not “stunted” by imperialism. “Mankind” did not deliver us. Rather, it was — One Kind of Man — that is the engine of the world: White Man; and more specifically the European man, and even more precisely, Western and Northern European man. Certainly, the ancient histories of China, Japan, Egypt, and Persia are impressive, but pale in comparison to the ingenuity and creativity of the West. The contributions of non-European tribes have increased because Western education was metabolized by people of high average IQ. Charles Murray’s book, The Bell Curve, explains the reasons for differences in tribal accomplishments and is therefore attacked as a “racist.”
As John Jay recognized in Federalist Paper, Western people emigrated to the US and were the brawn and brilliance for unparalleled greatness born from superior cultural and genetic seed. What makes some tribes more capable than others of creating, advancing and sustaining civilization is self-evident.
We lie to ourselves and are lied to, thereby believing “we are all the same” and that all of this advancement was inevitable with or without the white man. But there truly are retards, morons, imbeciles and idiots in the world. We are not all the same.
Most blacks operate on base emotion and instincts, like animals in the wild. Look at Zimbabwe. Look at Chicago. Blacks have the lowest impulse control of any race and in the (civilized) Western world are afforded the most latitude for anti-social behavior out of misplaced guilt in the white population.
Whites owe blacks nothing. Blacks are not the victim. Blacks are the predator. Blacks do not create. Blacks destroy and consume. If you are familiar with quantum physics, you would arrive at the conclusion that not only are the majority of blacks low functioning but have a “low vibration.” It has been said before, “We should have picked our own cotton.” When blacks move freely among whites and Asians everything becomes a mirror and they want to smash it. The contrasts they see in the mirror are too stark to bare. Beauty and brilliance must be captured, raped and ruined. Marxists cry for “equality” of outcomes. They constructed a crutch for failure. Social justice ideology presupposes the inequality of station among race is caused by generations of oppression from white
males, rather than by genetic and cultural differences and deficiencies. Let's test the premise. Women are the majority of the US population yet men make up 93% of inmates. Following Marxist reasoning, should not women make up at least 51% of inmates because they are the majority of the
population? Does “The System” wildly discriminate against males? Are women slippery and really, really good about not getting caught, kinda like Asians who also have a very low incarceration rate?
Could it be that males have more testosterone and a different nature than women, making them more prone to violence and therefore over represented in jails and prisons despite being the minority sex? If you agree, then you have just debunked the premise that inequality of outcomes is a function of oppression and must consider that differences in nature and culture drive the imbalance of outcome. Apply the same premise to the NFL. Black males are about 6% of the US population and 56% of the
NFL. In a “fair” society, shouldn’t 70% of the players be white? Black males make up 73% of the NBA. Why are they over represented in football, basketball and prison? The fact is that that blacks have more fast-twitch muscles (related to genetic variant ACTN3) than other races. Also, blacks under 40 years of age have a higher level of plasma testosterone than whites. Whites, Asians and other non-black people are not discriminated against in the NFL or the NBA. Generally, blacks have greater genetic athletic prowess for certain sports. The outcome was predictable. Merit and genetic capital drive the outcome of blacks; disproportionate representation in football and basketball. The same cannot be said of them for chess club, debate team, and STEM classes. The brain is no less a part of the body than the calf muscle. Off the field blacks prove to be “super criminals” because of their athletic prowess.
If a meteor was 180 days out from hitting the earth and we were in a race against time to develop a super weapon to vaporize it, wouldn’t you want the best and brightest assembled around the table? What would that look like? It would look like what it always looks like – if you want to win. With human survival hanging in the balance would you insist the emphasis be on assembling a “diverse” group that represents a cross section of the earth’s population of scientists and engineers? No.
You would stop suspending reality, sober up and say, “token hires and morons step aside!” Following the objectivity of NFL recruitment, we should NOT view disparate outcomes in representation and success across society as symptoms of “racism”; This is not the era of Jim Crow. The field is wide open. We are not all the same. Pretending otherwise will lead to our ruin; no different than being hit by a meteor.
Yes, sometimes whites produce a Larry Bird. Sometimes blacks produce a Ben Carson. Sometimes Asians produce a Yao Ming. While those exceptions are celebrated, they do not change norms. The hardest pill to swallow for self-loathing, brainwashed whites and morons everywhere is the answer to
the question: Who needs whom to sustain civilization?
Author: Publius
1Learning and Individual Differences, ELSEVIER, Volume 20, Issue 3. June 2010, Pages 152-154
2Ancient Egyptians more closely related to Europeans than modern Egyptians, scientists claim. Ian Johnston, Science
Correspondent, INDEPENDENT, May 30, 2017